
A Bridge for Children International 013春季学期招募志愿者多名(截至2-28)

2013-01-25  来源:深圳市创意谷公益文化发展中心  【字号:  

    A Bridge for Children International(简称ABC)成立于2007年,是在一家在美国注册的非盈利机构,总部设立在北京,致力于为孤儿和流动儿童提供服务。基于“每一个孩子都应该拥有温暖的家庭,每一个孩子都应该接受良好的教育”的宗旨,我们主要通过三个项目帮助中国弱势儿童——“牵手”项目(企业社会责任和志愿者服务),“梦想”项目(大龄孤儿职业和生活技能培训),“才”项目(流动儿童艺术、体育课程培训和教师培训)。



    地点: 北京

    截至日期: 02月28日 12:42

    机构名称: A Bridge for Children




    加入我们的志愿者团队,在阳光明媚的春天,与一群志同道合的人一起,成为一个坚韧的篮球教练、一名富有创意的美术老师、一位优雅的音乐老师, 或一名有趣的烘焙老师。













    发送邮件至volunteer@abridgeforchildren.org或直接致电010-64378616 联系人:罗桂华或程然,索取志愿者申请表,了解更多信息。(请在邮件的标题栏注明 "2013春季Talent项目志愿者申请")

    A Bridge for Children International Spring 2013 Talent Volunteer Recruitment

    About us:

    Founded in 2007, A Bridge for Children International (ABC) is a U.S. registered non-profit orga??nization headquartered in Beijing, China, dedicated to serving orphans and migrant children — two of the most vulnerable and at-risk populations in China. Built on the conviction that every child deserves a family and an education, ABC serves underprivileged children in three programmatic areas: CONNECT(牵手) (Community CSR and Volunteerism), DREAM (梦想) (Orphans Foster Home, Education and Life Skills) and TALENT (才) (Migrant Children Sports, Arts, Music, and Teacher Training). At ABC, we CONNECT the TALENT with the DREAM.

    ABC programs construct “a bridge for children” to support what is typically a precarious crossing from society’s margins into the greater community. This transition is difficult for these populations characterized by limited education, life skills, and job training.

    Do you enjoy teaching and working with children?

    Are you passionate about helping an underprivileged population?

    Join the ABC TALENT team to:

    Share your talents, knowledge, and wisdom with migrant children

    Volunteer with an enthusiastic team of like-minded individuals to be a basketball coach, music instructor, or arts teacher on Saturdays in spring 2013

    Location: Beijing

    Major Responsibilities

    1. Teach 10-14 aged migrant students basketball, art, music or baking in migrant schools on Saturdays in Spring 2013 semester from March.

    2. Work closely with other volunteers to prepare lesson plans and provide lesson feedback.

    3. Assist in managing the teaching materials.


    1. Skills of music/basketball/art/baking, or background in education

    2. Enjoy teaching and working with children and helping them to build character while learning new knowledge and skills.

    3. Be honest, patient, responsible and possess a good teamwork spirit.

    4. Excellent interpersonal skills with a proactive attitude.

    5. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old, commit to serve 8-10 weeks, and attend a one-day mandatory volunteer training session.

    How to apply

    Email volunteer@abridgeforchildren.org or contact GuihuaLuo or Kaitlin Cheng at 6437-8616 for more information.

    Closing date

    Feb 28, 2013
